Testimony introducing bill clarifying terms for non-resident student transfers

Testimony of Rep. Brian Hubbell
LD 1591: An Act To Amend the Process Controlling the Transfer of a Student between School Administrative Units
Before the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs

Senator Millett, Representative MacDonald, and fellow distinguished members of the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee, I am Representative Brian Hubbell. I am …

Legislative report: January 8 – 20, 2014

Wednesday, January 8

Your legislature’s second session opened today.  A large group including many local constituents rallied at the State House in favor of expanding access to health care for uninsured Mainers.by accepting federal funds for Medicaid.

Following on Picus Associates’ Independent Review of

Relationships Between School Poverty and Student Achievement in Maine

January 15, 2014

Dr. Silvernail,

Thanks for your presentation to our committee last Thursday on your invaluable report ‘The Relationships Between School Poverty and Student Achievement in Maine.’

In committee, we never seem to have enough time for deeper inquiry, so I’ve noted some things that have stuck with me in re-reading.  I

Priorities for improving Maine school funding

Following the state’s receipt of the Picus report on Maine school funding and Picus Associates’ proposed alternative ‘EB Model’, here are my recommendations on how we on the Education Committee should proceed:

EB vs EPS: modeling the comprehensive cost of adequate equitable educational opportunity:

  • Retain concept of Essential Programs and Services in concept as basis