Friday, January 25, 2013

Appropriations hearings

This afternoon the Education and Appropriations Committees jointly heard public testimony on the sections of the Governor’s proposed supplemental budget related to education.

The affected state agencies all testified that, given the regrettable necessity of curtailment, they could make do with their share of the cuts.  But, following their testimony, advocates raised concerns

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Continuing agency briefings

More briefings this morning from agencies under the jurisdiction of the Education Committee.

James Page, Chancellor of the University of Maine System, reminded us that the University’s mission remains education, research & economic development, and service to Maine communities.  UMaine challenges are largely economic, similar to those facing other state …

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bills referred to Committee

Tuesday morning, the House began referring bills to respective committees of jurisdiction.  I’m keeping a list of legislation assigned to the Education Committee.

Supplemental budget details

Early Tuesday afternoon, I attended Appropriations Committee briefings on the Governor’s supplemental budget.  Finance Commissioner Sawin Millett and Education Commissioner Stephen Bowen presented …

Monday, January 14, 2013

Educational Vision

Monday morning, I met briefly with Senate President Alfond, who was the ranking Senator on the Education Committee last year, to discuss our respective goals in education this session.

Monday afternoon, our committee’s analyst briefed the Education Committee on the reports and research work plans we can expect from our respective agencies and …

Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday morning, we toured the New Balance factory in Norridgewock which has found increased profitability as the only domestic shoe manufacturer by keeping teams of skilled workers busy assembling custom shoe orders.

Friday afternoon, we visited the Margaret Chase Smith Library in Skowhegan, heard presentations from Spurwink’s providers of children’s mental health services and education …

Thursday, January 10, 2013

On Thursday morning we heard from the Maine Forest Products Council about management of private forest land and toured the UPM Madison Paper facility which manufactures supercalendered magazine paper using only certified wood fiber. With an ISO 14001 certification for environmental management, Madison Paper has significantly improved energy efficiency and profitability through recent grants from