Maine’s primary climate mitigation and adaptation strategies

Outlined from slides from Climate Council meeting on September 16, 2020

  • Reduce Maine’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions (mitigation)
    • Bring the Future of Transportation to Maine
      • Increase electric vehicle use
      • Reduce emissions from current gas and diesel engines
      • Reduce vehicle miles traveled
      • Explore funding options for transportation needs & emissions reductions
    • Modernize Maine’s Buildings
      • Improve the design and construction of new buildings
      • Promote climate-friendly building products
      • Transition to cleaner heating and cooling systems
      • Institute a Renewable Fuel Standard
      • Weatherize existing buildings
      • Lead by Example in publicly funded buildings
      • Incentivize hospitals to be carbon neutral
    • Reduce Carbon Emissions in Maine’s Energy and Industrial Sectors
      • Ensure adequate affordable clean energy supply
      • Initiate a stakeholder process to modernize Maine’s electric grid
      • Accelerate the decarbonization of industrial use and processes
      • Encourage highly efficient Combined Heat and Power facilities
      • Develop financing options to meet clean energy and emission reduction targets
  • Prepare for Climate Change Impacts (adaptation)
    • Build Healthy and Resilient Communities
      • Enhance and coordinate assistance and funding for community resilience 
      • Improve the planning and legal tools that build resilience
      • Invest in public health monitoring and education
      • Protect water sources from high intensity weather events
    • Invest in Climate-Ready Infrastructure
      • Assess the vulnerability of Maine’s infrastructure
      • Provide technical assistance and seed funding to unlock federal funding for infrastructure projects
      • Give particular to Maine’s working waterfronts and seaports
    • Protect Maine’s Environment and Natural Resource Economies and Promote Natural Climate Solutions
      • Protect Maine’s natural and working lands and waters
      • Support Maine’s natural resource economies
      • Increase carbon sequestration
      • Improve monitoring to understand and manage the response to climate change

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