Recommendations to grow and sustain Maine’s economy

Graphic: 2019 Maine Measures of Growth Report, Maine Growth Council

November 24, 2020

Since our initial Phase 1 recommendations to the Governor in July on how to stabilize and support Maine people and businesses, the Economic Recovery Committee has been working on a second phase of priorities to grow and sustain our economy in a way that connects last year’s 10-year economic strategy to the state’s emerging needs and opportunities.

Her is an outline of the recommendations in our November 24 final report:

Grow Maine’s Economy

  • Invest in technology and innovation in key sectors such as forest products, agriculture, and renewable energy
  • Supercharge entrepreneurship and make Maine more welcoming to immigrants
  • Create educational and training pathways through adult education, increase affordable access to higher ed credentials and licensing, internships, co-ops, and apprenticeships; Restore immigrants’ rights to public benefits
  • Attract diverse and talented professionals to relocate; capitalize on making Maine an attractive location to live, study, and work.

Sustain Maine’s People

  • Expand high quality internet, universal broadband; improve digital equity.
  • Systematically expand early childcare and education; build early education workforce
  • Create more affordable, efficient housing in proximity to services and economic opportunity; establish rental assistance program and increase access to legal aid.
  • Build workforce through diversity, equity and inclusion

Foundational economic needs

  • Strengthen public health infrastructure and ensure access.
  • Invest in agriculture and food processing infrastructure
  • Improve efficiency of regulatory permitting
  • Invest in transportation infrastructure; implement a new transportation funding model.

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