Why a moratorium on virtual charter schools is integral to providing Maine students with access to online learning through their existing schools

27 February 2014
Representative Brian Hubbell, Bar Harbor
On motion to indefinitely postpone House Amendment ‘B’ to Committee Amendment ‘A’ to LD 1736

Mr. Speaker, Women and Men of the House:

I realize that, at this moment, it appears that the good Representative from Augusta and I are standing on opposite sides in this chamber.…

House floor speech in favor of LD 1736: Resolve, To Provide Maine Students with Access to Online Learning through Their Existing School Districts

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Representative Brian Hubbell of Bar Harbor
House floor speech in favor of LD 1736: Resolve, To Provide Maine Students with Access to Online Learning through Their Existing School Districts

Mr. Speaker, Women and Men of the House:

Just over two years ago, our Chief Executive issued an Executive Order giving the …

Testimony in support of LD 1736 and implementing a public virtual learning collaborative

February 4, 2014

Senator Millett, Representative MacDonald, esteemed colleagues on the Education Committee, I am Brian Hubbell, representing House District 35, Bar Harbor, Southwest Harbor, Cranberry Isles, and Mount Desert and I am here before you as the lead co-sponsor and earnest supporter of LD 1736, A Resolve, To Create a State-run Virtual Academy Providing