Reform red in tooth & claw and entitlement to choice

Reform red in tooth and claw

Friday, March 22, I attended the Governor’s Conference on Education.  The conference featured presentations by free-market education reformers like the Friedman Foundation and Students First which generally advocate for more standardized testing, fewer unions, and less public oversight in education.  No one even mentioned what makes Finland’s schools

Evidence-based education: How do we truly know what we know?

This week the Education Committee heard two bills for which the testimony favoring and opposing seemed particularly irreconcilable.

1. The post-modern herd

One, LD 672: An Act Relating to Exemption from Immunization for Schoolchildren, responds to a recent national increase, mirrored in Maine, of parents who are choosing not to immunize their children.  Maine …

Two steps forward: the plight of Maine’s community hospitals

Legislative report: March 11-12, 2013

This week it felt as if the Legislature and the Governor finally both took two steps in the right direction on the hospital debt.  With both sides plainly committed to making the hospitals whole, the negotiations now appear to hinge on whether its better for the state to build …

Tuesday, March 12, 2013



Press conference with MELIG business leaders announcing Elevate Maine initiative to expand earlychildhood education

Met with Governor’s policy people to discuss better biological management for landlocked salmon and brook trout and common goals in education policy.

Passamaquoddy concerns re elvers and licensing.


Education …

Converging positions on accepting federal money for health care

Tuesday afternoon, I attended a presentation to the Appropriations Committee by Gordon Smith, the Vice President of the Maine Medical Association about whether the state should accept the additional federal money offered by the Affordable Care Act in order to cover uninsured Mainers.

Mr. Smith gave a detailed and thoughtful presentation of the reasoning given …

Private business and public education: a wary but promising partnership

On February 26th and 27th, hosted by Educate Maine, the legislature’s Education Committee took a field trip to visit the Williams School in Oakland and to attend a policy symposium in Freeport.

About 200 students attend the Williams School. Nominally, these students are in the third, fourth, and fifth grades. But, for the past …

First in depth look at the Governor’s budget proposals for Maine education

Monday, February 25, in committee, we got our first detailed look at some of the initiatives related to education that the Governor has placed within his biennial budget proposal.

As Commisioner Bowen was up in our neighborhood congratulating Deer Isle High School for their dramatically improved graduation rate, our committee was briefed on …