21 May 2020: Economic Recovery Committee gets underway

For 10 weeks now I’ve been sending you regular updates about the evolving COVID-19 situation in Maine. This week I’ve included information about the Governor’s revised reopening plan and resources to help you navigate the pandemic, but I also wanted to take some time to focus on non-coronavirus updates.

Below you’ll find a number of …

Maine Economic Recovery Committee begins mapping state’s post-pandemic economy

“Having studied our economy for the 200 years of our existence, Maine has faced incredible challenge before. …We’ve gone through one transformation after another. I have great hope we will find a path out of this. It won’t be easy. It will take a lot of hard work. And it will take every ounce of …

13 May 2020: Working together to overcome COVID-19 in Maine

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, and here in Maine we find ourselves in a complicated middle ground. As parts of our economy remain closed and as Mainers continue to stay home as much as possible, many families are experiencing financial hardship and there is a strain on our state’s fiscal health. Still, if we …

Update on an alternative protocol to the 14-day quarantine: 10 May 2020

Friends and Neighbors,

Because of your concerns related to a requirement that contemplates continuing the 14-day restriction on out-of-state visitors from public interactions as I outlined in my April 30 report, I wanted to respond with an update on the state’s pursuit of a more targeted, refined approach.

With COVID deaths currently at …