Governor Mills Introduces Bill to Establish Maine Climate Council

I’m grateful for Governor Janet T. Mills’ leadership and Hannah Pingree’s hard work and dedication in moving forward this comprehensive initiative for emissions reduction, climate action, and energy policy. I look forward to continuing to work with this administration to effect real change and economic benefit for Maine.

Youth Climate Action at the State House

Honored to be visited today at the statehouse by these climate action leaders, Iris Fen Gillingham and Ania Wright from College of the Atlantic. Iris and Ania are leaders of today’s Climate Youth Day of Action and you may have heard them yesterday, as exceptionally composed and articulate guests on Maine Public Radio’s Maine Calling.

The Environment: Janet Mills, Paul LePage on two different planets

The Governor and her staff outline a solid plan here and I look forward to working with it. My bill LD 658, which plans to triple Maine’s renewable energy capacity by 2030, will aid the effort.