Energy bill sails through

“Our state has abundant potential from wind, biomass, solar and hydropower,” Hubbell said, “but until now we have lacked a comprehensive vision for sustainable energy development. With a thoughtful, long-term plan, we can pursue energy independence, community resilience and economic prosperity for Maine.”

New law puts state on track to triple renewable energy generation

May 17, 2019

Rep. Brian Hubbell, D-Bar Harbor, and Ania Wright and Sara Lowgren (far left), youth climate leaders and students at College of the Atlantic, join Gov. Janet Mills as she signs LD 658. Sponsored by Hubbell, the measure puts Maine on a path to triple in-state renewable energy generation by 2030.

AUGUSTA – A bill from Rep. Brian Hubbell, D-Bar Harbor, putting Maine on a path to triple in-state renewable energy generation by 2030 is now law.

“Maine’s economic prosperity over the next generation hinges on sound energy planning within the next few years,” said Hubbell. Our state has abundant potential from wind, …

An Act To Promote Clean Energy Jobs and To Establish the Maine Climate Council

I am proud and honored to cosponsor Governor Mills’ comprehensive bill for climate mitigation, adaptation, and carbon emissions reductions. This bill will update the state’s Climate Action Plan which I helped establish in 2004 and which has languished in the last decade.

The bill stipulates that, by 2030, the State shall reduce gross annual …