Position statement for Ellsworth American – October 2018

Brian L. Hubbell
Age: 62
Residence: Bar Harbor
Party: Democratic
Present Employment: Self-employed project manager
Highest Level of Education Completed: Degree in architecture from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Previous Elected Public Office(s) Held: School board member (10 years), State representative (six years)

I believe that elected officials are charged to engage faithfully to thrash out public policy that supports the well-being and long-term prosperity of all Mainers through a thriving economy that fosters entrepreneurship, innovation, good-paying jobs, a healthy environment and an excellent system of public education.

Toward those ends, in the next Legislature I hope to continue my work on the Appropriations Committee particularly to build the state’s educational capacity from pre-K through college, to increase Maine’s commitment toward research, development and commercialization in the life sciences, and to advance a more forward-thinking state energy policy that better supports renewable energy and reduces the prospects of economic damage from climate change.

To accomplish this, I believe it is essential to restore collaborative bipartisan working relationships between legislators and the Governor’s Office. I believe constituents expect diligence, collegiality and open-mindedness from their representatives and that the best policy results from the engagement and respect of diverse interests. I’m proud of my record in this regard.

Brian L. Hubbell

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